Water labor and birth are some of the many birthing options available to you when you choose Beyond Conception Midwifery.
Many mothers find great relief and comfort laboring and birthing in water! Known benefits of water labor and waterbirth:
Facilitates mobility and enables the mother to assume any position which is comfortable for labor and birth
Speeds up labor
Reduces blood pressure
Gives mother more feelings of control
Provides significant pain relief
Promotes relaxation
Conserves her energy
Reduces the need for drugs and interventions
Gives mother a private protected space
Reduces perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies
Reduces cesarean section rates
Is highly rated by mothers
Is highly rated by experienced providers
Encourages an easier birth for mother and a gentler welcome for baby
Birth Pool Supplies:
Waterbirth homebirth
Waterbirth homebirth
waterbirth homebirth
Waterbirth homebirth